What Are You Voting For November 2024?

I’ve never worn a presidential campaign button. I have never donated to a presidential candidate campaign. I’m doing both now as an older, white, heterosexual, Christian, able-bodied, economically stable, registered independent, privileged male who not only supports and will vote for Kamala Harris but will also be voting for:
– democracy over Project 2025 and autocracy;
– leadership that is trustworthy, compassionate, stable, and hope-enhancing;
– facts and evidence over ignorance and conspiracy;
– continuation to evolve rather than devolve;
– kindness over heartlessness and stop being weird;
– commUNITY over inDIVDualism;
– ending Citizen’s United and PAC influence on politicians;
– a balance of power;
– fair and equal access to voting;
– elimination of gerrymandering;
– peaceful transfer of power;
– term limits for all politicians and court judges, including SCOTUS
– a fair and just criminal justice system;
– a woman’s right to choose what happens to her body;
– gun safety;
– separation of church and state rather than Christian Nationalism;
– equity for BIPOC and LGBTQ+;
– affordable healthcare as a right and not a privilege;
– treating Earth and climate with care and respect;
– global alliances with countries that support democracy like NATO members;
– fair, responsible, accountable taxation for individuals and corporations;
– world-class education for every child with no book bans and increased emphasis on the untaught history of this country, good pay for teachers.

What will you be voting for in November 2024?