Entries by Dave Carr

Hi! I’m Corona Virus! Now That I Have Your Attention …

…there are a few things I hope you take away from my intrusion into your life! Please don’t waste my visit while I am with you! Remember what Rahm Emanuel said? “You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it’s an opportunity to do things you think you […]

What Gives You Hope?*

Hope is a call for action! My hope is being tested. Is yours? What gives me hope is the leadership from Ohio Governor Mike DeWine, Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer, and New York Governor Andrew Cuomo. These leaders have been honest, transparent, responsive, and empathetic. They are communicating clearly and consistently. They do not sugar-coat the […]

I Am Angry…And Hopeful

It is incredible how something so unseen, and tasteless can have such a significant impact on our lives … the Coronavirus, COVID-19. We know so little about this virus, except that it can live on hard surfaces for up to 72 hours. We have no vaccine but we do recognize it’s more contagious than the […]

Why Does Money Cost So Much?

Financial peace isn’t the acquisition of stuff. It’s learning to live on less than you make, so you can give money back and have money to invest. You can’t win until you do this.  – Dave Ramsey When it comes to money, we are not taught the meaning and value of money, let alone how […]

Does Your Organization Have a Culture of Leadership?

Eighteen participants completed the 11-week City of Asheville, NC, Culture of Leadership. The 2-day Art of Leadership workshop helped to develop their leadership with guidance from the five practices of exemplary leadership from Kouzes and Posner’s The Leadership Challenge. Participants went online to take the MBTI. The feedback revealed how their preferences impacted their ability […]

My Word for 2020…

Each year I pick a word (or a word picks me!) rather than a resolution to focus on. I have learned from experience, resolutions come and go as evidenced by how crowded the gym will be in January and then uncrowded in February! Discovering a word and focusing on that word is sticky and becomes […]

What About Additional Characteristics of an Admired Leader?

James Kouzes and Barry Posner, The Leadership Challenge, have been surveying followers for over the past thirty years on what are the top seven characteristics out of twenty of an admired leader. Look at the latest results from the 2017 survey on the left. The top four characteristics of an admired leader are honesty, competence, […]

What Do You and Your Cohorts Need to Escape?

I recently read Rachel Sugar’s, Vox, The Great Escape post. She writes there are over 2,300 escape rooms in the United States. TripAdvisor says there are seven escape rooms in the Asheville area. If you are not aware of these places, they are rooms where you gather with up to 7 other people and try […]

Leader As Mentor: Do you?

I’ll begin with what I know for sure: Experience trumps knowledge. Mentors have experience. The mentors in my life have had a significant role in where I am and what I am doing today. They gave and still give me the gift of their time and their wisdom. My mentors help me be a better […]