Entries by Dave Carr

Before I Leave…

My final presentation to the staff at the City of Asheville…a couple of key points… People asked me what I did with the City of Asheville. I told them I was an adult playground supervisor. I helped employees play better together with sticky learning – learning by doing! I suggested the City of Asheville staff […]

Are We Close to a Second Civil War?

This blog was inspired by David French writing, A Whiff of Civil War in the Air. We were driving to Lake Lure, NC, this past Saturday and drove through Chimney Rock. I stopped at a pedestrian crossing and right in front of me was a 60-something white male displaying a holstered handgun on his hip. […]

Juneteenth and an Invitation

I wish I could say “Happy Juneteeth,” but this is a day of remembrance much like Memorial Day (which I think we fail to recognize the gravity, the solemn remembrance, and the purpose of the day instead of the  beginning of summer!) Juneteenth…why should I care? Why should I be interested? Do you remember the […]

To the Graduates of the Class of 2021: Did You Carpe Annum?

Did you carpe annum – “seize the year” – this past year? How well did you carpe annum? Perhaps these questions can help you answer this question: What did I do this past year that I have never done before? What was my most outstanding achievement? What did I celebrate? Where did I extend myself […]

Has Your Pride Ever Been Hurt?

Mine has! In 1988, after my father and business partner died of a heart attack, I sat down with our family doctor after a complete physical. All my numbers looked great, including my BMI of 23. Dr. Lewis advised me to keep doing what I was doing and wished he had more patients like me! […]

My Word For 2021 – “Selfie”

In a New Year tradition, I continue, I don’t make resolutions. A word chooses me, and I focus on how it intersects my life. It becomes a “trigger” for reflection. While I don’t want to relive 2020, I don’t want to forget the lessons I learned, including: Face coverings will be an ongoing medical/fashion piece […]

65 at 65 : 65 things I know for sure by Seizing the Day after 65 years!

On September 11, 2015, my mother, Joyce Carr, passed away at 88. (My father had passed 27 years prior.) I was just shy of my 62nd birthday. Out of all my thoughts and emotions was the realization that I was now on my own. A huge connection was lost!. My figurative umbilical cord was cut! […]

Blaine’s World Interview on WPVM 103.7 Asheville

Blaine Greenfield interviewed me on my experience and perspective on racism and antiracism. We also talked about Robin DiAngelo’s White Fragility book discussions I have been facilitating. The interview begins 30 minutes in the broadcast.

I Am a Racist

I’m a racist – not the kind of racist who hurts people – but the kind of racist who was ignorant of the 400+ year untold history of BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) in this country and not really understanding the systemic racism impacting BIPOC. After all, being white – not my problem. I […]

To the Graduating Class of 2020…

Congratulations to the mothers and fathers, the brothers and sisters, teachers and professors, school counselors, librarians, school aides, school coaches and trainers, school food service staff, school maintenance staff, school bus drivers, school administration staff, the school PTO, and the school’s community, for creating and maintaining fertile ground upon which the Class of 2020 could […]