My Word For 2025: Turbidity

As I have written, I do not do New Year’s Resolutions. I focus on a word. The word seems to find me! Past words include carin, civility, and selfie. The word that has chosen me for 2025 is turbidity.

“Turbidity is the cloudiness or haziness of a fluid caused by large numbers of individual particles that are generally invisible to the naked eye, similar to smoke in air. The measurement of turbidity is a key test of both water clarity and water quality.” – Wikipedia

“Turbidity is a key indicator of water quality and ecological health. By understanding its causes, measuring techniques, and management methods, we can better protect water resources and ensure safe water for all uses. Continued research and innovation will play vital roles in addressing the challenges associated with turbidity in water bodies around the globe.” – Peter Annunziato, M.Sc. (Engineering), P.E.

Hurricane Helene’s aftermath here in Western North Carolina involved a severely damaged public water system, which taught me about turbidity. It became a part of our daily language as we tracked the water quality coming from North Fork Reservoir (NFR), our primary water source. Turbidity is measured in Nephelometric Turbidity Units (NTU). According to the EPA, turbidity should be under 1 NTU. After Helene passed, the turbidity at NFR was at 30. We were without running water for over three weeks. Flushing toilets required dumping creek water into the toilet. We were without potable water for 53 days. The lack of water reminded me how much I take this fundamental life source for granted.

I recognize the turbidity in my life—the cloudiness, uncertainty, and quality—and its impact on my well-being. I see turbidity in others.

As I deal with life’s difficulties in 2025, I will ask myself these questions:

Do I understand the turbidity of the situation? What am I not seeing, hearing, or aware of? How can I better understand the turbidity? What and who am I taking for granted? Who could help me to deal with the turbidity?

Other questions that I could ponder on:

How am I being experienced by others in this turbidity? Am I being a part of the solution or contributing to the problem? Has the turbidity of the situation kept me from accepting responsibility, delaying gratification, acknowledging the truth, and maintaining balance?

When I experience joy and pleasure in 2025:

How did I overcome the turbidity to find joy? Why did I let turbidity keep me from joy?

Turbidity will remind me to undo the knots, find clarity, be more curious, and seek a clearer mind.

Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength and my redeemer. Psalm 19:14

Happy New Year. May all your words be thoughtful, helpful, and filled with good intent.


The Thin Places That Have Connected To My Soul

My leadership coaching sessions always involve conversations around spirituality and the soul. Some push back and say they don’t have a faith or religion. Others report they are members of a church. While religion can offer structure, the work on one’s soul is a connection to something bigger than oneself. In this work, one discovers one’s purpose and “why.” Author, political, and cultural commentator David Brooks’ recent article, The Shock of Faith: It’s Nothing Like I Thought It Would Be, offers insight.

“When faith finally tiptoed into my life it didn’t come through information or persuasion but, at least at first, through numinous experiences.” – David Brooks

Agreed. Going to church, attending church camp, and attending church mission trips didn’t make me a believer. However, it made me part of a community that shared love and vulnerability and revealed what heaven on earth could be.

What made me a believer were experiences of “thin places“—places where God revealed Herself to me and made me aware that She knows me better than I know myself.

“In those moments, you sense that you are in the presence of something overwhelming, mysterious. Time is suspended or at least blurs. One is enveloped by an enormous bliss.” – David Brooks

The “thin places” where I experienced “ineffable joy and exultation” are hard to describe. However, I recognize that Biblical passages come close. They capture the synchronicity between me, God, and the world. They are my brief encounters with heaven on earth.

Here are some of my encounters with thin places where scriptures revealed for me:

I remember a beautiful fall late afternoon sail on Lake Cowan with my mother and father in 1970. Ecclesiastes 1:6  The wind blows to the south and turns to the north; round and round it goes, ever returning on its course.

The first time, my significant other and I made love. Solomon 3:4  I have found the one my soul loves.

Walking in Muir Woods, May 1982.  John 1:3 Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made.

Helping to deliver our daughter at her birth.  Psalm 139: 13 -16 Oh yes, you shaped me first inside, then out; you formed me in my mother’s womb. I thank you, High God-you’re breathtaking! Body and soul, I am marvelously made! You know me inside and out; you know every bone in my body; You know exactly how I was made, bit by bit, how I was sculpted from nothing into something. Like an open book, you watched me grow from conception to birth; all the stages of my life were spread out before you; the days of my life all prepared before I’d even lived one day.

Easter sunrise service at the Carillon, Dayton, Ohio, April 3, 1988.  Psalm 69:32 – The poor in spirit see and are glad. Oh, you God-seekers, take heart!

When we read Peter Gomes’s book “The Good Book,” a member of our men’s small group shared his vulnerability. 2 Corinthians 12:9  My power is made perfect in weakness. Phillippians 4:13 Whatever I have, wherever I am, I can make it through anything in the One who makes me who I am.

Walking the labyrinth at Camp JoyGalatians 5:16 Why don’t you choose to be led by the Spirit and so escape the erratic compulsions of a law-dominated existence?

Receiving communion from a homeless person at Haywood Street CongregationMicah 6:8 – But he’s already made it plain how to live, what to do, what God is looking for in men and women. It’s quite simple: Do what is fair and just to your neighbor, be compassionate and loyal in your love, And don’t take yourself too seriously—take God seriously.

These experiences renewed my hope and reminded me why I am in a relationship with the Holy and why She loves me with all my imperfections. 

Thin places” opened up the mystical and mysteries, not certainty. I agree with Anne Lamott: “The opposite of faith is not doubt but certainty!” What I am certain of is the mystery and the mystical. I am open to more.

I want to walk the Camino de Santiago and see if that experience could be an encounter with a “thin place.” Perhaps you would like to join me?

Are You Trustworthy? What Is Your Evidence?

In my Teams Are Verbs© circle, trust is among the twelve essential verbs for creating a team and building a community. Everything begins with trust, including relationships, processes, operations, performance, and strategic plans. Trust has always been the opening conversation in any organizational development program or retreat I facilitate. Trust is my first conversation in leadership coaching, beginning with two essential questions: Are you trustworthy? What is your evidence?

Conflict, indifference, ugly behavior, and fear are the root of distrust. Distrust kills collaboration and cooperation and destroys teams and communities.

Building trust, maintaining trust, and repairing trust when broken should be a lifestyle and fundamental habit. The work of and on trust relates to one’s emotional intelligence, including self-awareness, self-management, empathy, and social skills.

In Charles Feltman’s  The Thin Book of Trust: An Essential Primer for Building Trust at Work, Third Edition, he updates the four trust assessments: Care, Sincerity, Reliability, and Competence. By being mindful and practicing these four assessments, trust becomes a competency, a set of skills that can be learned and improved. There is a link to a new study guide PDF that you can download.

“Trust is choosing to risk making something you value vulnerable to another person’s actions.” page 4

Consider Feltman’s four opening questions on trust:

1. What are your core beliefs about trust?
2. On a scale of 1 – 10, how trustworthy do you think you are?
3. How do you decide to trust people in your life and work?
4. What would lead you to distrust someone?

Care is the most critical trust assessment. “People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.”—Theodore Roosevelt. Care requires vulnerability, Care about the values, concerns, hopes, and dreams, care to understand before being understood, and care about the growth and development of others.

Sincerity is the second trust assessment.  It begins with knowing your core values and principles. Do you walk your talk? Do you hold yourself accountable to them? Sincerity requires consistency. It also seeks feedback from others on how they are experiencing you.

Reliability is the third trust assessment. It is about keeping commitments. It requires understanding the language of requests, offers, and commitments. Know the difference between direct requests, indirect requests, and drive-by requests. Feltman delves into the Cycle of Commitment, its key components, and its importance.

Competence is the final trust assessment: skills, ability, and knowledge to act effectively within a specific domain. Being competent is not about being perfect. It requires being honest with yourself and others and asking for help where you are incompetent.

Feltman sites studies on mistrust and distrust in the workplace have the most significant economic impact on an organization. Organizations were substantially more profitable where there was behavioral integrity – reliability, and sincerity. Trust had a more significant effect on profit than employee satisfaction and commitment. “In organizations where employees believe their managers trustworthy, everyone was a beneficiary.” (Page 60)

“Mistrust doubles the cost of doing business.” – John O. Whitney, Professor, Columbia Business School

What do you do if you betray someone’s trust? Acknowledge and apologize. What we resist persists.

Don’t take an apology lightly. Suggest watching V’s (formerly Eve Ensler) TED Talk, The Profound Power of an Authentic Apology. V says there are four components to an authentic apology:

1.) Recount the event in detail. There is liberation in the details.
2.) Give the reason why. The injured are haunted by the why.
3.) Open your heart. Have empathy. Feel what the injured feel.
4.) Take responsibility and try to make amends. It’s the only way to set the injured and yourself free.

We teach our children many things, many skills, and many processes. We emphasize practice. We don’t teach our children about trust or apology. We assume that trust and apology are a given and learned by osmosis. This work calls for attention, understanding, and practice. After all, everything begins with trust.




My Thanksgiving Prayer

While I have plenty to be thankful for this season of gratitude, I am still dealing with the malaise of Hurricane Helene here in WNC and the election results. My prayer for this Thanksgiving:

Holy Creator –

Thank you for the opportunity to pause and reflect on all we are grateful for. As we gather in this warm home, we remember others who do not have this blessing; this feast before us is prepared by loving hands and hearts, remembering others who don’t have this blessing, good health, and others who are suffering and in pain. We remember past Thanksgivings and those we shared, which are now memories.

Forgive us for taking so much and so many for granted. Open our eyes, minds, and hearts to the least of us, to those we view as enemies instead of neighbors. Help us to love ourselves just as we are so we can love others just as they are.

Thank you for community and for constantly reminding us that we can not live this life alone. We need one another. Make us community builders of more extended tables instead of taller walls.

Help us overcome our fear, mental scarcity, and hopelessness. Help us walk-the talk of compassion, justice, and humility.

And the grateful assembled say, AMEN!

Are You Curious?

“The American electorate, knowing exactly who Trump is, chose him. This is, it turns out, who we are. – Michelle Goldberg, author and columnist.

There are good, compassionate, kind, and just people in the United States who are being dominated by a “This is who we are” minority who are anti-woke and anti-immigrant. They voted for their wallets.

Are you curious about who and what makes up “This is who we are?”  I am.

Are you curious why they are so fearful? Fear is the root of all ugly behavior. Why do we keep ignoring gun safety after the continuous mass shootings because of fear? Why do we fear people who don’t think, believe, or look like us? Why do we fear the LGBTQ+? Why do we fear the walk-the-talk of Jesus, Abraham, Mohammed, Buddha, Confucious, and Gandhi?

Are you curious why they are incompetent? Why don’t they recognize incompetence and inexperience as problems? Why do they embrace ridiculousness?

According to Charles Feldman, in The Thin Book of Trust, competency is one of the four components of trust. Why is acknowledging incompetence a sign of weakness for them? Why lie about incompetence? Why is trust no longer necessary to them?

Are you curious why they are selfish? Why do they think of themselves first and focus on what they want, no matter who has to suffer? Why is lying acceptable to get what they deserve?

Are you curious why they are unhinged? Why are there no guardrails, boundaries, or codes of conduct for which we are willing to hold ourselves accountable? Why is finger-pointing a daily exercise routine for them? Why is recklessness in fashion for them? Why do alternative facts, conspiracy theories, and fake news overrule facts, truth, and science for them?

Are you curious why they are impatient and quick to anger? Road rage incidents have doubled since 2018.

Are you curious why character is no longer about what others say about us but is bound by self-promotion for them?  Why is humility for losers for them?

Are you curious why they are uncivil? Why is everyone who doesn’t think, believe, or look like us not an opponent but an enemy for them?

Are you curious why they are loyal to a person and party, not to the U.S. Constitution?

Are you curious why we are an addicted nation? Why are we addicted to consumption? Why are we addicted to our smartphones and screens? Why do we seek pleasure to keep the pain away? Are our addictions keeping us from being better versions of ourselves? How are we experiencing ourselves, and how are others experiencing us?

Are you curious why we are judgmental? Judgment is an opinion that may need more careful consideration of facts. Our judgment may nurture our ignorance. Judgment is about telling what is wrong and what needs fixing. Judgment feeds the ego. Judgment may shut out the light, keeping the mind closed and the heart small.

Curiosity is the antidote for judgment. Curiosity requires listening to understand.

Curiosity is what makes Braver Angels a success. Watch the documentary, A Road Across A Divided America. Jump to 29:30 in this video to understand the need to be curious.

“Curiosity will conquer fear more than bravery ever will.” ~ James Stephens

What are you curious about?

What Would Jesus, Abraham, Muhammad, Buddha, Confucius, and Gandhi Do?

When I became Venture Out Director at Camp Joy in 2000, a challenge was to build our adjunct pool to work with corporate clients such as Procter & Gamble, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital, Leadership Cincinnati, and many others. Adjuncts would come to Camp Joy on Saturday mornings to meet and learn how to facilitate and debrief portable and low-ground initiatives and physically challenging high-rope courses.

We began the Saturday morning adjunct gathering, checking in with each other and answering, “Why are you here, and what would you like to get out of today’s meeting?” One Black woman, new to us, answered, “I came out here to meet some good white people!” This woman had experienced the fallout from the April 2001 riots in Cincinnati sparked by the killing of an unarmed Black man, Timothy Thomas, by Cincinnati Police Officer Stephen Roach.

April 7, 2001, Cincinnati Police Officer Stephen Roach fatally shot Thomas while attempting to arrest him for past traffic violations, all non-violent. Thomas was the 15th Black person killed by Cincinnati Police in the previous six years. Cincinnati Police had killed no white person in that same period. Note that Cincinnati had a 40% Black population at the time. Four days of riots lead to millions of dollars in damage. These were some of the worst riots in this country at that time.

This woman has become one of my closest, dearest friends. I refer to her as my soul sister. We Zoom several times a month, and once a year, we co-facilitate a leadership retreat for a significant Cincinnati client with another close friend. We have done diversity, equity, and inclusion work together.

This woman is a mentor and the person most responsible for helping me to learn and understand my white male heterosexual Christian privilege. She has helped me become a better version of myself.

We Zoomed this past Friday morning. She cried. We cried. She is scared of who we are as a nation. She is suffering and is in pain.

This woman’s comment back at Camp Joy in 2003 haunted me then and now.

After this election, I wondered if my definition of decent Americans is skewed, irrelevant, or wishful thinking. Am I naive? I wish I lacked common sense. I wish I didn’t have core values of compassion, justice, and humility. I wish I didn’t hold myself accountable to them and seek people with similar values. I wish I could ignore white supremacy and misogamy. I wish I didn’t care for people experiencing poverty, immigrants, or anyone who doesn’t look like me. I wish I could support the cult leader we just elected. What’s changed since the founding of this country? White Christian heterosexual males rule. Everyone else drools.

I struggle with not supporting the president-elect because I am an American citizen, and he is my president, but because my fellow citizens voted him in, and I can’t turn my back on my country. I am conflicted by my dislike of the president-elect and my desire for American democracy to succeed.

I used to believe I should not let politics get in the way of relationships. Before 2016, both political parties sought the common good. We seemed to be working to understand diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging and were willing to learn about untaught history. We sought to become enlightened. SCOTUS ruled for same-sex marriage in 2015.

That tide is going out.

As I approach elderhood, I fear for America and my grandchildren. I especially fear for my daughter, her wife, and their children. More than ever, for my well-being, I may no longer be able to have a relationship with those who do not share my values, pain and suffering. You who support the president-elect, please recognize the pain I feel for my friends and family from the fear and potential harm coming their way. If you ignore this pain, it will be hard for us to be in a relationship.

*Picture is the “Holy Chaos,” a fresco in the front of the sanctuary at Haywood Street Congregation, Asheville, NC.


One of the tools I use with clients (and personally) is Joel Barker’s Implication Wheel. While the Implication Wheel does not predict the future, it can come close! We yearn to know the future (its estimated psychic services generated $2.3 billion in revenue in 2023!)

In Heather Cox Richardson’s recent Letters From An American, many are coming to grips with the fact that they did not realize the implications of Trump’s proposed agenda. Here are a couple of examples:

The 60% tariff Trump proposes on China will raise the Sony Playstation Pro from $699 (Walmart) to $1,000.

The tariffs are designed to bring manufacturing back to the U.S. to create more jobs. Madden Shoes, a $3 billion industry, will move manufacturing from China to other countries and not to the U.S. to avoid tariffs and keep prices low.

Richardson writes polls showed before the election that voters overwhelmingly preferred Harris’s policies to Trump’s if they didn’t know which candidate proposed them.

I believe we are going to experience an awakening to our cognitive dissonance and our lack of critical thinking—Barker’s Implication Wheel can help with this.

I recommend watching Apple TV’s Disclaimer. The final episode became available, November 8, 2024. This dramatic series portrays our cognitive dissonance, the unwillingness to do critical thinking that can lead to harrowing implications. This series will be hard to watch, but the seventh episode has a powerful ending. This might be an excellent catalyst for having hard conversations with others about the future.

Background on My Last Blog…

After my last blog, Four Reasons NOT to Come to Asheville, NC, Right Now, I received a lot of feedback in agreement with me and also feedback disagreeing with me.

Whenever I write a blog, I do research. Here are a few resources from my research:

From Florida State University – Tropical Storms and Hurricanes: What to do after

From the State of Hawaii, Department of Business, Economic Development & Tourism after the Maui wildfireThe closure of businesses in West Maui and the decrease in visitor arrivals – not only to Maui, but also to other islands across the state – will negatively affect the state’s economic recovery. The reconstruction of Lahaina will take years to complete.

Hawaii has lost population for several years in a row. It is reasonable to expect more people to move out of state due to business employment consolidation and relocation.

From Bay City TexasTake care of your emotional health. During and after a hurricane, it is natural to experience different and strong emotions. Coping with these feelings and getting help when you need it will help you, your family, and your community recover from a disaster.

From International SOSThe immediate impact of an earthquake or hurricane to local infrastructure and communities is immense, but to avoid significant business disruption, organizations will commonly aim to resume operations as soon as possible after impact. However, resuming operations after such a disruption could actually cause more harm. It is imperative for organizations to understand the impact and develop a precise plan of how to best resume operations based on the health and safety in the affected area.

From FEMABefore disaster strikes your business, nothing is more important than having a plan in place to protect your employees and safeguard your assets to minimize the disruption to the business.

About 25 percent of businesses do not reopen after disasters. Having an emergency disaster plan and a continuity of operations plan in place can reduce that risk and help the business recover faster. Below are tips to help businesses prepare for disasters large and small. 

From my reading and research, I concluded that the community must be the priority over business. Business is made of people and requires people to purchase goods and services. If the people aren’t good, safe, physically and mentally healthy, the business won’t be either.

I talked with business owners and artists who lost everything. They are focused on restoring the community and cannot take time to open a business or create new art. I, too, lost significant business with a client at a three-day event here in Asheville in October. That program is rescheduled for February 2025 in a different state.

I volunteer at Habitat Restore in the River Arts District, which was destroyed. Habitat relies on Restore to help with funding for the Habitat homes under construction. They are anxious to reopen Restore and recognize the priorities of people’s well-being over business.

I talked with first responders. As one first responder shared, “We are burned out! People need to stay away!”

These are my opinions. I appreciate hearing yours as we move forward to make Asheville Strong.

Four Reasons NOT to Come to Asheville, NC, Right Now

A month after Hurricane Helene devastated Western North Carolina and Asheville, the Buncombe County Tourism Development Authority (TDA) started inviting tourists back.

As a Buncombe County and City of Asheville resident, I think this is a bad idea. I recognize tourism is an important part of the Asheville and Buncombe County economies, but now is not the time to come to Asheville. Here are four reasons why I believe tourists should stay away.

Travel. While this is leaf season here in WNC, many roads in Western North Carolina are still impassable due to landslides, washouts, and destroyed bridges, including I-40 to the west at the North Carolina—Tennessee border. I-26 West just opened, but it is only one lane and inaccessible for large, wide loads. Check out for up-to-date information on road closures.

The Blue Ridge Parkway has numerous closures from mile markers 234 to 405. You can check the road status at

It is estimated that Buncombe County has 240,000 truckloads of debris. After 9/11, there were 41,000 truckloads of debris from the World Trade Center. This is one of 27 counties in Western North Carolina that were impacted by Helene. Debris and dirt are piled up along our roads, waiting to be transferred and dealt with.

One of the two hardware stores I frequent for supplies is gone due to flooding, and I have to go a very circuitous route to reach the other. My normal drive to Black Mountain for a haircut requires a different and more time-consuming drive.

Give the workers working hard to open roads the safety to do their work well and quickly!

Sites. Would you go to Disney World in Orlando if the Magic Kingdom and Epcot were destroyed and needed rebuilding? I love Valencia, Spain, but I would not consider traveling there with the devastation they have experienced.

While The Biltmore reopens tomorrow, November 2nd, getting there through washed-out Biltmore Village is unpleasant. Toxic dirt covers the entrance grounds of Biltmore. Wearing an N95 mask is recommended in this area. Again, lots of workers are in the area trying to clean up and figure out what, where, how, and when to rebuild not only Biltmore Village and The River Arts District but also other charming towns and villages destroyed by Helene.

The U.S. Forest Service reports that Helene moderately to catastrophically damaged nearly 200,000 acres of the Pisgah and Nantahala National Forests, impacting 800 miles of trails. Many hiking trails are closed. The North Carolina Arboretum has reopened its gardens on October 28th, but trails and most outdoor areas remain closed.

Water. We are still without potable water. If you come, you must be mindful that you cannot drink the water from the faucet. Do not shower if you have an open wound. Buncombe County Health and Human Services has seen an uptick in gastrointestinal illness due to water, hygiene, and food handling. If you can go out to eat, you will be asked if you’d like bottled water. Hand sanitizer is essential. Use it often and regularly, even after washing your hands.

While we are known as Beer USA, many breweries are not open due to water issues.

Large portable tankers and tanks are all over Western North Carolina and the City of Asheville. That classy picture you might want to take of the iconic Art Deco City of Asheville building will have a huge water tanker in front of it.

Attitude. Yes, we are Asheville Strong, but life in Western North Carolina and Asheville is far from normal. We are dealing with trauma and grief. We cry a lot. Why would you come to Asheville for fun when many of us are cleaning, rebuilding, and healing? We already have a housing crisis in the area, and Helene has added to this. We don’t need disaster tourism. We don’t need gawkers viewing the destruction. Tourism resources need to be reallocated to residents of Western North Carolina.

What can you do? Do not send clothing or food here. Send money to organizations directly involved in our recovery. Send money to favorite restaurants to help pay their out-of-work staff. Send money to local artists whose shops and art were destroyed by flooding. More ways to help at Give Local and Always Asheville.

*Note: The picture is of Rec Park pool where I swam laps in the summer not far from our home. The bridge over the Swanannoa River is in front of the pool. Swanannoa River Road on the right, no longer exists.

I Need to Say “Thank You!”

Dear City of Asheville Mayor Esther Manheimer –

Times of crisis reveal character and leadership. Your resilience and unwavering commitment have been truly inspiring!

You have done an outstanding, heroic job of coordinating the efforts of the City of Asheville, NC, with federal, state, county, and faith-based agencies responding to the havoc, chaos, and damage caused by Hurricane Helene.

Thank you! Your tireless work and efforts have built trust, created hope, and instilled pride in continuing to rebuild our community.

I thank your family, too. They are essential to your support in carrying out this mission.

I have your back and will be a follower in the next crisis you lead!

Carrpe Diem!

David Carr